Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Clover Shawl

It's not often that a knitter receives hand knit gifts herself.  I guess people assume, well, she can make it herself!  Although I do make myself plenty of beautiful knits, it still tickles me to receive a gorgeous item that I didn't have to make.  It's sort of like cooking.  Sure, you may love it, and you may enjoy knowing exactly what you're eating, and you may take pleasure in serving yourself and your loved ones.  But isn't it delightful to sit down and indulge in a meal that someone else lovingly prepared just for you?

J, E, Jacqui in Clover Shawl, AM, and AC at a friend's wedding

In the above picture, I'm wearing the The Clovers, a shawl knit for me by Tricia, sfcorgi on ravelry.  I suppose this shawl was more of a prize than a gift.  I won it in Tricia's auction to raise money for the susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk for breast cancer that she did this fall.  I am so happy that I was able to contribute to this cause.  Hopefully someday there will be a cure for this disease that touches so many of us, but until then early detection is our best defense.  In fact, that is the key that saved two of my online knitting buddies, Katie and Stephanie.  This past year the two of them, both in their late 20s and early 30s (the same ages as the women pictured above), beat breast cancer that they discovered early on by doing self exams.  Tricia's Susan G. Komen 3 Day fundraising page is here.  If you would like to contribute, donations can be made until November 1.

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