The summer I turned 21, my mother convinced me to learn how to knit. Being home from college during winter and summer breaks was an interesting time. It was the first time since my young childhood that I had no school obligations. I was a busy student. I was involved in many extracurricular activities. I was dedicated to my schoolwork. College breaks in between semesters were a strange and wonderful time. I usually just watched lots of TV, having exhausted my brain from reading as an English major. However, my sometime during a sophomore year break I discovered Harry Potter. I devoured the first 5 books in 2 or 3 weeks and waited impatiently for the last two, to be released in 2005 and 2007, respectively. While I was waiting for those Harry Potter books in the summer of 2004, my mother excitedly showed me her knitting. I didn't know she knew how to knit. I knew her mother knitted, but she passed away nearly fifteen years ago. Why didn't I know my mother was a knitter? She was skilled with a sewing machine. As a child I had a closet full of handmade dresses and Halloween costumes that are far more beautiful and high quality than what is sold in stores today. But knitting? This was a skill my mother never demonstrated.
I was always a crafty kid, but puberty and college prep caused me to cast my beads and embroidery floss aside. Now, with my mother's encourgement I decided that it was as good a time as ever to get crafty again. Inspired by the book Celebrity Scarves