Isn't she pretty? Please tell me she's pretty. After this lenth of time and knitting and cabling and broken harmony needle cables and split dpns I don't think I could handle it if she's not pretty. See how I've personified the darn thing? I may be losing my mind. In fact, I may be losing my mind because of this.

See that? It's a sleeve. Or more accurately, half of a sleeve. See that yarn there? Those two wimpy balls, all together less than 3/4 of a skein? That's not enough to finish knitting the sleeve. I've ordered another skein from Eat.Sleep.Knit, and I can only pray that the dye lot is not too too different. I know it will be differnent because dyelots for Malabrigo Silky Merino are quite small, but I've been alternating skeins throughout (at one point I was working with 5 balls of yarn at once! Yes, I am nuts. But I'll be nuts in a pretty sweater with no pooling.) so I think I can just blend the new one in. Sigh. So this sweater is on pause. Again. Maybe we'll have a really cold summer and I can wear it then.
At least I got to the lace on my Garter Ishbel. That project is turning out to be quite pretty. As long as I don't work on it while drinking. Or in a movie theater. Or at a staff meeting. Or while talking to anyone. No really, it's a pretty simple, quick lace pattern by the lovely Ysolda Teague, and I would recommend it to anyone.

Hopefully next time I will have something completed to show you! Will it be a sweater, a shawl, or perhaps a cowl? Hmmm...wait and see.